Certainly one of the best parts of the job is getting to travel all over the world, even sometimes seeing places far off the beaten trail. From the marketplaces of Cairo to the jungles of India, adventure awaits you everywhere you go. There's never a dull moment while you're searching for the latest artifact, whether you're riding horses deep into the desert or hanging off the side of a cliff. To the average person, your travels are exciting and worthy of deep envy. Who wouldn't love to traipse around the globe instead of constantly being rooted in one place?

But it's not really as glamorous as it seems. Sure, they think it's as easy as "traveling by map" on the museum or government's dime, but in reality, it's a slog. You're constantly on the move from place to place. You're likely taking a plane or ocean steamer to a train to a zeppelin to a car to maybe a camel or horse or elephant to the ancient temple or tomb du jour. Sometimes, your travel options are downright sketchy, and you have to stow away on an enemy submarine or truck to get wherever you need to go to do your job. Not exactly first class accommodations.

And speaking of that, where are you even sleeping? Certainly not some four-star hotel with fluffy pillows, room service, and premium cable. When you DO finally get a chance to get a few winks, it's probably under some tree in the middle of nowhere or a tiny, spare room at your pal Sallah's house. Occasionally, you get to sleep in a palace or a spacious Venetian apartment, but those kinds of luxuries are few and far between. And so are working toilets and showers. You only have room in your sparse travel gear to bring one other spare outfit, so you're wearing the same smelly clothes on every trip. Gross.

Yeah, you're traveling all over the world, but it's no vacation. They don't exactly make postcards for Thuggee Cult Kali Ma Ceremonies that say, "Wish you were here!"
