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Scarlett Johansson has a new interview in In Touch in which she’s promoting her latest film, He’s Just Not That Into You. The film was top at the box office last weekend with an estimated $27.7 million despite mediocre reviews. I like Scarlett and enjoy her interviews because she seems smart, funny and down to earth. Her singing career is misguided to say the least, but no one can be perfect. In her talk with In Touch, Scarlett says she’s happier than ever after her marriage to Ryan Reynolds, but she does share her ire at stories that she’s had plastic surgery, because they’re just not true. Scarlett also denies every dieting in her entire life or even setting foot in a gym. Does that mean she never exercises or just that she doesn’t go to a gym?

Is it hard to maintain privacy?
I have good training about how to keep myself out of the spotlight. And I have friends that I can trust as well as a family who gives me unfailing support. So, it’s not that difficult.

What’s the strangest rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
The plastic surgery stories really drive me nuts.

Why is that?
It’s so false. A photo of me as a 14-year-old is juxtaposed with a photo of me at 24. Then they’ll say: “Oh, the nose looks different!” Why don’t they say: “Oh, did she get new breasts?”

It’s refreshing that you don’t subscribe to the scary-skinny craze in Hollywood.
That’s the biggest nonsense ever! Count me out. I don’t understand what’s supposed to be sexy there. And besides, I like to eat to much.

Do you diet?
I have never been on a diet in my whole life.

Do you have to work out a lot?
I’ve seen gyms only from the outside. I feel very comfortable with my body.

How do you describe your fashion sense?
My own style is, of course, very important to me. I love glamour – I am a girl, after all. When I go to a movie premiere or party, I like to get styled.

What about when you’re at home?
I don’t run around in unaffordable clothes. Jeans, T-shirts and cowboy boots will do. Outer appearance is only of secondary importance to me in real life. Values, the right convictions and the courage to stand up for one’s beliefs are much more important.

Are you optimistic about the year ahead?
Of course. I have a president who I like, a husband I love above everything else and three movies coming out that I’m proud of. At the moment, I am happier than ever before!

[From In Touch, print edition, February 16, 2008]

I love how she says that she doesn’t “run around in unaffordable clothes”! That’s so nice to hear from a celebrity, although Scarlett has modeled for Louis Vuitton, the ultimate in frivolous brand names. She doesn’t really condemn other people for wearing luxury goods, so maybe it’s not fair to call her on it.

I’m one of those people that really has to exercise and watch what I eat or I gain weight. I find it hard to believe that gorgeous women like Scarlett Johansson can get away without dieting or exercising, but she’s only 24 and things were much easier for me at that age too.

Scarlett Johansson is shown on 12/17/08 at the premiere of The Spirit. Credit: WENN

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